Renaissance Beaute Studio is a Penang, Malaysia based beauty salon that has it all to meet your beauty needs. There’s nothing better than being enveloped with a cozy atmosphere. We provide you shelter from the storm, leaving your worries behind. Embrace a new you as you rediscover your beauty & confidence with us!
“The charm of an elegant woman derives from her confidence!”
Release yourself from the busy routines by treating yourself to the soothing treatments. You can count on us as Renaissance Beaute Studio believes in the importance of choosing safe & quality products. We focus on corrective treatment tailored to your needs with all natural Le’taime skin care range.
Le’taime skin care stresses the importance of natural, safe & soothing experience, without applying harmful ingredients to your skin. As a professional beauty salon, this is our quintessential focus & promise to our customers.
Le’taime’s brand objective is to promote & nurture natural clear, bright & flawless complexion. The active ingredients used in all of Le’taime’s product range are of highest quality & are selectively imported from France, Japan & Australia. Utilizing the latest cutting-edge technology, combined with superior quality ingredients, Le’taime’s mission is to provide valued customers with the best quality products, with 100% satisfaction customized to your skin’s condition.
Pamper yourself in heavenly treatments at Renaissance Beaute Studio, & rejuvenate your body, mind & spirit with our facial treatments, eyebrow embroidery, eyeliner embroidery, eyelash & eyebrow growth theraphy & nano lips theraphy. We strongly believe that everyone should be looking their best. If you aspire to enhance your image & self-confidence, let our estheticians pamper you to the fullest!
Renaissance Beaute Studio 是槟城一家用心让您体会温暖的美容治疗室。这里亦是您可依偎的避风港,同时让您恢复美丽的自信!
Renaissance Beaute Studio坚信选用安全和品质保证的产品十分重要,因为这是一家专业治疗脸部问题肌肤的美容院必须具备的基本条件,还有对顾客的承诺。Le'taime全部产品均属天然、安全、温和兼无副作用 、治标治本,针对问题性肌肤达到100%疗效。Le'taime使用最新科技,再融合分别来自法国 、日本,还有澳洲各国的高品质原料,为顾客提供最优质的护肤产品。
除了脸部美容护理,Renaissance Beaute Studio也提供绣眉 、绣眼线、孕睫术、孕眉术,孕唇术以及形象提升服务。顾客可以身心灵获得放松之于,也可全面提升形象,让更多女性重拾自信!
At Renaissance Beaute Studio, we strongly believe that professional facial treatments must be carried out by a professional skin care specialist, whom will analyze your skin, hear your concerns & show you how to properly care for your skin based on your unique needs & skin type.
Want to know more about your skin? Booked an appointment with us today!
Eyebrow Embroidery
Eyebrow embroidery is semi-permanent pigment that's pushed into the surface of the skin with a fine blade to mimic the growth of your already existing hair & create bolder, natural-looking brows.
» View our Portfolio
Eyeliner Embroidery
Eyeliner embroidery is a semi-permanent makeup usually done either on the top of the upper eye line or outer half of the lower eye line to make the eyes look more awake & refresh.
Eyebrow Growth Therapy
Eyebrow Growth Therapy is a treatment that helps re-activate your hair follicle cells & makes your eyebrow hair look livelier, thicker & darker!
Eyelash Growth Therapy
Eyelash Growth Therapy is a treatment that helps re-activate your hair follicle cells & makes your eyelashes grow stronger, healthier, thicker, longer & fuller! It combines the lastest technology & product to refill more cells growth. It takes 8 days to reactivate hair follicles. See the difference within 20 days; results within 40 days; feel the difference within 90 days!
Le’taime has made its mark as a key salon brand in the international skincare market for more than 20 years. It's brand objective is to promote & nurture natural clear, bright & perfect skin. The active ingredients fully used in the product range are of highest quality & are selectively imported from France, Japan & Australia.
To learn more about each skin care range, please click on their respective photos below to view their descriptions.
266D , 1st floor Jalan Jelutong,
Taman Jelutong Indah,
11600 Penang
Tel: +6018-229 1618
WhatsApp: +6018-229 1618
Email: info@beautestudio.my
Opening Hours: By appointment basis only.
Click here to make an appointment